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Thelma Rosalie Anderson Ferguson
Born June 26, 1921; Married April 16, 1944
(Richard Faris, d. May 6, 1957), Married February 8, 1959
(Robert Overly, d. Dec 31, 1989), Married December 11, 1984
(Robert Ferguson); Died February 12, 2007
Children: Richard Lawrence Faris, February 16, 1953; William Robert Overly, February 11, 1957
My earliest recollection of home was the
feeling I had of security and
love. Both Mother and Dad were very
loving and demonstrative people, so Dorothy
and I had every reason to be happy, Dad was always a church leader
so our lives
were centered about the church. We
were ever active, seldom bored.
I was rather shy and retiring but loved having
the longest recitation to
memorize for the annual Christmas program. At
age of nine, Dad led me to
an understanding and acceptance of Jesus Christ as my Savior. This was the
most important decision of my life.
At an early age I decided I was going to
college. I even spelled out the
college of my choice - the University of California. Wonder of wonders, or was
it my Swedish stubborn determination? That's
where I took my Dental Hygiene
training and received my B.S. degree. I
worked many years at my profession and
loved it. I was often 'down in the
mouth' but seldom blue.
The most difficult time of my life was in the
loss of my husband, William
(Dick) Faris. Just one month after
his 36th birthday, when our son Bill was
only three months old, Dick had a massive heart attack. Our 12 years together
had been blessed with two sons, Richard (Rick) and William (Bill). We had
enjoyed many wonderful times together. What
a joy to have our lives centered in
Christ! The Lord has always been true
to His word - that if we delight in Him,
He will give us the desires of our heart. So
much heartache and loneliness,
the Lord brought a new man into my life. In
1959, Robert (Bob) Overly and I
were married. We have just celebrated
our Silver Wedding Anniversary this year. [1984 - ed.]
We have enjoyed our family, our church
activities and the privilege of
helping to start two churches in Arizona. Our
church in San Diego is
still very dear to our hearts. I
marvel that the membership of the College
Avenue Baptist Church has soared to well over 3000 from the 60 or
so members
when I was baptized at the little church downtown at 16th and E
We have retired to Phoenix, Arizona, and
believe that, next to Hawaii,
where we spend a month or two each summer, this is God's country.
Proverbs 3:5-6 has been my motto.
- Thelma Overly, 1984
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