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Donald Victor Anderson


Born October 14, 1929; Married June 3, 1951 (Marietta Louise (Susan) Pinkley, d. Feb 10, 1987):
Married July 1, 1988 (Vernita Faye Firestone Berry)

Children: Donna Sue Anderson Peters, August 4, 1952; Dean Victor Anderson, July 16, 1953;
Dennis Eugene Anderson, April 26, 1955; Dwayne Allen Anderson, February 18, 1957;
 David Keith Anderson, November 11, 1967


I was born October 14, 1929, the second of Reuben and Ruth Anderson's sons to be born in the home that Grandpa Victor built.
 It was the season for flax harvest.  Returning home at 8 PM my dad was greeted by an excited 4 year old Melvin with, "Mother needs
you bad!"  Since mother's doctor was in Chicago, Dr. M.L. Morris was summoned from Pine Bluffs and I was delivered 20 minutes later.


They tell me I was a colicky boy for almost a year, not giving my parents much rest.  I did find comfort in my thumb, however,
through age 12 to be exact.


My education began at High Point, a small country school about 1 1/2 miles from home.  Most of the time we either walked or rode our
horse, Lindy, to school.  Many tales and memories can be shared about that first school year--the recess adventures and pranks
played on each other and our unsuspecting teacher, Mrs. Phillips.


The next year I attended 2nd grade in Albin and continued there through graduation in 1947.  Basketball was my sport and playing
alto sax in the band and with my cousins was a favorite pastime, too.


At age 12 I was put on the tractor.  From then on I was considered big enough to do any and all farm chores, and became Dad's
"right hand man". Over the years I have learned to wear many hats--mechanic, carpenter, plumber, electrician, mathematician, financier,
livestock producer, fertilizer and herbicide expert--to name a few.  Farming today is not the simple horse and plow of Grandpa's time,
but it is diversified and complicated, even with our modern methods and machinery.


In the fall of 1947 I joined my older brother at John Brown University, Siloam Springs, Arkansas.  There I met my wife, Susan,
an Arkansas gal.


After 2 years of college I returned to take over the farming.  Susan remained at school, graduating in 1951 with a major in Home
Economics and minor in Music.  During that time I built us a new home 1/2 mile south of my folks.


We have lived in that home 33 years this June 3rd.  Our four oldest children, Donna, Dean, Dennis and Dwayne are married and
we have 9 grandchildren.  Our youngest son, David, has just completed his sophomore year in high school.


I accepted the Lord as a lad at Grandma Lundberg’s, and He has blessed me many times over these past years, through the good and
the not so good days.  I have served Him in the Albin Baptist Church as trustee, deacon, vice-chairman, Bible teacher, choir
member, youth sponsor, and Boy's Brigade Captain; also as a member of the Rocky Mountain Baptist Conference Board of Trustees.


My hobbies are hunting and fishing. Each fall finds me heading for the Jackson Hole area where elk, deer, moose and bear have been
my trophies. "The big one" was caught last summer in Canada.


We have done same traveling, both as a family and as a couple, including many of our 50 states, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico
and Venezuela.


I am grateful, indeed, for my heritage, for the opportunities I have had and the freedom to live and work and rear my children
in America. Thank you, Grandpa Victor.


- Donald Anderson, 1984

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