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Bernice Elizabeth Hannah Johnson


Born March 14, 1913; Died January 1, 1973


Bernice graduated from Moody Bible Institute and began a life of service for
God, especially with music.  She directed choirs nearly all her life including
the choir at Evergreen Baptist Church in Michigan City, the choir of a
Baptist Church in Berwyn, Ill., and for many years the choir at Evangel
Baptist Church in Wheaton.  She was a fine soprano soloist and sang in many


For several years after her graduation from Moody, she traveled full-time as
a member of the Jubilate Trio, a group that sang, played instruments, and
conducted services in churches.


She spent two or three years as a church secretary and missions worker with a
church in Cleveland, Ohio, and two years as secretary to the director of the
Wheaton College Conservatory of Music.


For the last twenty-three years of her life, she worked for the Wheaton Eye
Clinic.  She began as the assistant to Dr. Kenneth Geiser, an ophthalmologist
who had opened a small office.  During her years there, the clinic grew to one
with several doctors, an optical shop, and a large staff.  She eventually
became the business manager.


She took primary responsibility for the care of both her father and mother
during the last years of their lives (her father died in 1963, her mother in
1970).  Less than one year after the death of her mother, she learned that had
breast cancer.  Despite surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation, she died 20
months later.             -


In 1952, she accompanied her father on his one and only trip back to Sweden,
from which he had come 50 years earlier.  Bernice gave great quantities of love
and attention to her family.  She was an integral part of the lives of her
nieces and nephews.  Above all, she loved and served God with tireless energy.


- Alvera Mickelsen, 1984

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