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Andersons in the Wyoming Legislature

The Wyoming descendants of Victor and Hannah
have a distinguished record of service in the Wyoming State Legislature

Andersons in the
        Wyo Legislature
                                                                                                                    Photo provided by Pete Anderson

Lawrence and Esther Anderson moved to Mt Vernon, Washington, in 1915.  Three years later they returned to Albin to help at the Malm farm (Esther's family) .  In 1922 Lawrence was elected to the Wyoming legislature.  Esther developed health problems and was advised to move to a milder climate.  Lawrence resigned his seat in 1924 and they moved to San Diego, to be followed in a short time  by Delight and Victor.

Reuben was elected to the House, and then to the Senate.  He is the only one of the five to have been a Senator.

Bill McIlvain, son-in-law of Reuben and Ruth, served in the House for eighteen years.  During his final term he was Speaker of the House.

Rodney "Pete" is the third child of Reuben and Ruth.  He served in the Legislature for eighteen years, the longest of the Andersons.  He was House Majority Whip 2001-2002 and Speaker Pro Tempore 2003-2004.

Matt Teeters is the son of Pete's daughter, Linda Sue Teeters.  He served from 2006 to 2014.  He chaired the House Education Committee 2011-2014, and was House Majority Whip 2011-2012.

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